
Lana Hall is an award-winning journalist based in Toronto, Canada. Her essays and journalism appear in The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Maclean’s Magazine, Hazlitt, Catapult, Maisonneuve, Canadian Business and various literary magazines. Her work has been anthologized in Best Canadian Essays (Biblioasis) and Best True Crime Stories of the Year (Crime Ink), and featured as an Editors’ Pick on Longreads.

Much of her writing covers the urban affairs beat, but she has also written stories about the criminal justice system, climate change, labour, and provincial and municipal politics. She has received grants and recognition for her work from the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, the Digital Publishing Awards and the National Magazine Awards.

Lana has taught nonfiction workshops and mentored writers through the University of King’s College, the Canadian Nonfiction Collective (CNFC) and the Writers’ Union of Canada.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of King’s College.